About me

Hello, I am Heather Burke, and I have been a professional organizer for over 15 years. I was born without the neat gene. I love to laugh and have fun, therefore organizing has to be fun and easy.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Kindness Week Challenge

I am a Professional Organizer and thought that it would be fun to put a little organizing in my Kindness Week challenge.

We all accumulate items over time, they seem to grow when we are not looking. We look at piles of stuff with which we have not dealt and sometimes feel a twinge as we look at our homes. So lets lighten the load and help others while we are doing a little "decluttering".

So my challenge is this: try to fill 3 bags of articles that are in good condition but are not needed in your home. Yes, just three bags and the size is of your choice. Then donate the articles to the charity of your choice.

If you have been travelling and have collected the hotel size toiletries, donate them to a shelter or mission.

Go through your pantry and see what you can donate to the Food Bank.

Go through your closet to see if you have any business suits that you can donate to those who need a suit for a job interview.

For other ideas or daily challenges go to http://www.kindottawa.ca/

Thank you for helping.http://www.kindottawa.ca/

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